I choose this picture,
because the "abortion" is a topic that we often heard in our society.
Recently was approve the abortion for the three causals: Danger to the life of women, fetal unfeasibility
of lethal character and pregnancy for rape. It still not enough, but means a
great advance in chilean legislation.
Education and public schools
This picture I think it represents one of the most important
social issues of Chile. Since 2011 students organized as a movement began to manifest themselves
demanding a better education, free and without profit.
Work and occupations
The chilean
society works in poor conditions and under a lot of stress. One example are the
bus drivers of the transantiago. They have to use the bus like them bathroom.
It's inhuman... Also they work with the stress of the constant doorbell´s
sound, and the violent environment of the streets of the city.
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