I remember to love animals since I was a boy. I dreamed becoming an explorer, travelling in the middle of the jungle and having contact with the most wild and amazing animals of the world. I spent my time watching films or tv programs about animals and their life in the nature. Also I used to read magazines, most of them from National Geographic. In this time I was impressed with bears and wolfs, and I learned about some species of bears. My favourite was Grizzly or “Brown Bear”, one of the biggest bears in the world. They can measure two meters and more, and weigh more than three hundred kilograms. They live in North America, in the woods of Canada, United States and Alaska. They feed on salmon, using their claws to capture the fish in the river. In USA a big number of them are killed by hunters but in Canada and Alaska there are near 30.000 bears living freely. A picture of bears catching salmons! Other species of bears are North American Black Bear, Polar Bear, Asia